


It's New Year's Eve, 2091. Party time at the Heavenly Retreat space habitat, The Sleaziest Place In The Solar SystemTM.

Although his instincts tell him it's a scam, Brother Thomas hopes he has an easy job, collecting an exotic experience recording for the Abbot. But when he steps out of the monastery into the World, his blood-soaked past returns to haunt him.

Peter Kaine thinks he's found an easy job, tidying up after a messy divorce. But the unwritten rule of bounty hunting is that your second client is never as easy as the first.

The crew of the space freighter Big Momma think they've found an easy job, carrying cargo from the Heavenly Retreat to the backwater asteroid of Petrina. But life is never easy around the kind of passengers willing to pay for a cabin on their ship.

Length: 75,000 words

ISBN: 978-1-927549-08-7


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Author Notes

Petrina is the first of my novels that reached a complete first draft, though not the first I began or abandoned.

It had been in my list of story ideas for some time when my girlfriend suggested doing NaNoWriMo nearly ten years ago, and I pulled it out and began to write. I finished the 50,000 words in the month, but not the story. Then I put it aside and forgot about it for a few years.

Around 2009 I finally completed the first draft.

Then forgot about it for a few more years.

I also wrote first drafts of several more novels in the same 2070 universe with some of the same characters; three prequels, and one sequel a few centuries in the future. I was tempted to let Petrina go, but finally succumbed to reading it again, and was pleasantly surprised when it contained more good stuff than I remembered.

A couple of drafts later, here it is. Now it's done, I'd better get to work finishing the prequels, which will explain some of the back-story that's touched on here.